Karen In Sydney, Australia

06 November, 2009

My life is like a Realty TV show some days...

Well here it is, the overdue Morley Report that I have renamed The M Report! You know to try and remain anonymous, as you do hehehe.

Where do I start.... what a years its been. I like to call it the year of JOBS! And boy have I had them! I started the year with the Federal Magistrates Court, ended up there for six months in total. Was hoping to get a foot in the door but alas they were going through the good old Amalgamation (spoken in the Maxwell Smart, from Get Smart voice....) and my job ended up being a duplicate and my boss was made redundant so my job ended.

I then moved on to work for the Moreton Bay Regional Council. Orig it was a temp job for two months, ended up being 3 months and they eventually advertised my job on a 12mth contract and I applied, longggggggggggggg story, but in a nutshell I didn't even get shortlisted for an interview. So as you can imagine I took it to heart and found it tough going the last couple of weeks to keep up a brave face whilst my life was unravelling before my eyes....

You see I put my unit on the market again in July to sell, to try and cash in on the lovely First Home Loan grant to try and attract those first time buyers wanting a place close to the city to have a cheap cab ride home after a big night on the town. And this time around (we tried to sell last year...) it generated ALOT of interest and we did end up selling.

But here's the thing: Orig I was selling to buy a small house as Baby Jake was moving out to rent, he had been talking about it for a year. So it didnt matter if I had a job or not, I was keeping the same Mortgage and buying a house instead of paying Body Corp and living in a townhouse. So I was looking, looking and then one night Jake came home from work to say: I have decided not to move out and lets buy a house together with dual living, him downstairs me up!

Orig I wasn't too sure as I didn't want him to feel obligated in looking after me etc. But at the end of the day it made sense, pay off our debt, buy a house together and that way Jake wasn't paying out dead money in rent and maybe say in 5 years, if we can last that long and I don't get kicked out by some Baby Jake girlfriend.... YOU JUST NEVER KNOW.... we can either sell or I can borrow against the equity and give Jake a deposit on a house. So that was plan kids...

Butttttttttt things never really go to plan now do they, come on this is a Morley story and how boring would it be if I lived happily ever after! Mmmmm has a ring to it hey hehehe.

So, lets go back, I have no job, my unit has sold, so one could say NO HOUSE TO LIVE IN EITHER.... and nowwwwwwwwww we couldn't get finance to buy a house. Oh and did I mention this all went down about my job etc. when Baby Jake jetted off to Fiji for his Dad's ex wife NO. 2's wedding.... keep up now kids! This is where it gets good.

Sooooo Jake leaves for Fiji the day the Tsunami hits OF COURSE.... so here I am worried about him, find out I didn't make the cut for a job interview, realise I have sold my unit and am stuffed.....

Then I get this call from Jake, Sat night roughly 10.30pm and he says get this: I just got out of the shower, opened the bathroom door and there is water all over the floor and the balcony door is closed but there is water all over the balcony too. He was like, did a Tsunami hit whilst I was in the shower and I didn't know hehehe.

So over a 7 day stay, he was moved 5 times.... yep you read right FIVE TIMES! Due to some of the rooms flooding due to plumbing and then the last few moves to Room Upgrades! Poor kid hehehe, he was soooo over it and wanted to come home.

So he arrives back, sick as a dog and we sat down to chat on the what we should do housewise and came up with the plan of this: pay off our debt,rent for six months, invest the difference and I WILL GET A PERM JOB.... and start looking to buy again early next year, depending on the job situation.

So we find a rental house in Stafford Heights, 3mins drive from the old place with a downstairs kitchenette, Shower/Toilet and a large Rumpus type room for Jake's House, as I like to call it. And upstairs there are three bedrooms, new kitchen, new paint, floor just sanded etc. And Embee Louise has a HUGE yard, we even saw a Bush Turkey a couple of times, poor thing, the Bush Turkey that is.... Em chased him out!
So we applied and got the house and I finished up at the Council Job.

Meanwhile Jake is dying.... very sick and eventuallyyyyyyyyyyyyy goes to the doctor to find out suspected Bronchitis but could be Whooping Cough, or as I like to call it Fijian Whooping Cough. He gets a blood test and goes back in a couple of days only to find out, no infection! What the... sure sounded like one to me and the whole of Stafford at night time as he coughed up a lung!!!!!!!!!

He ended up getting a Steroid shot to open his lungs and to this day they don't know what it was. Buttttttttttt as we speak he is sick again this week and came home sick today from work, different symptoms from last time, but that lovely coughing up my lungs noise is back! So not sure what this will mean and of course Jake is dying again.... so we wait until he is nearly dead and then he will go to the doctors and find out why! Ahhhhhhhhh boys and sickness and doctors, love it! NOT

Oh and during this sickness time, my Baby Jake turned 19 and on the day he went to a Bucks Night for a friends brother and had his first Lap Dance! I was saying to a friend tonight how it goes from Banana in Pyjama's to Power Rangers to Pokemon toooooo Pokemon of a different kind with the whole lap dance experience hehehe. But when I asked him the morning after if he did and he said yes I was like cough cough, pretending to throw up... and he said: well you asked the question.........

Ahhhh my Baby Jake is growing up to be a smutty boy..... makes sooo proud hehehe. And speaking of growing up, since being sick he hasn't shaved I don't think at all, so my Baby Jake has all this hair over his face!! Makes me feel old.... I can remember the good old days when we had an upside down fridge and I could open the door over his head!! Nowwwwwwww he is like 4 feet taller than me!!! Yeah yeah I hear ya chuckle at the short joke..... soooo funny!!!

So if you are still awake, lets move on with the Morley Story, oops M Story.... for 2009 - So I am unemployed, applying for jobs, registering with Centrelink - now that could be a whole blog and a half, but I promise I do draw the line at some stories.... TRUE STORY hahaha, get it story....


We get the keys, very sad... not the way I thought we would eventually move out of our little unit, but I know its for the best. And the day before the furniture removal's men turn up, I get a call to start a job the very next day, the day they are coming to move our stuff. I ended up moving the moving men, to a day early and it all happens very fast. Maybe a good thing looking back... and during this time when they are moving my stuff into the truck I get a call from the Solicitors, I haven't filled out a form, so this now means we have to wait another week for settlement. I kid you not my friends!

I start the new temp job the very next day at 1pm, off my face from very little sleep, but there I am! And I am employed with a State Govt Dept until the end of January 2010 and here is the best bit, the have decided to take me on and let me take my holiday (which starts tomorrow). You see they had picked another girl, but she didnt show up, god bless her hehehe and so they called me last minute, my agency that is and said if you can start tomorrow they will take you on and let you have your holiday.

You see in the last year and a half I have had one week off on holidays, as I have been trying soooo hard to get a job, get a foot in the door etc. and keep starting new jobs, straight away, so no time for holidays! I know, I can't believe I even typed those words... so wrong hehehe.

So tonight, as it stands, this is where we are at kids: my unit sold today at 2.30pm, I started my holidays at 4.45pm, tomorrow I am off to Kingscliff for 10 glorious nights, have a few friends from time to time dropping by, have a Birthday next Thursday and I say how quick do these seem to come around now! I remember wanting to turn 17 for my Learners and it seems from there Phewwwwwwwwww it moves fast, time that is, maybe not so much me! hehehe.

And now I know I sound like a broken record about this next bit, butttttttttt over the last 12 months I have come to realise that things that I thought were important to me this time last year are now no more. I have also realised how wonderful my friendship circle is, I have had friends offer me places to stay, although one friend, Markkkkkkkkkkkkk suggested Embee could be cooked outside on a BBQ but I could live inside... NOICE ONE MARK!!! hehehe. I have had friends offer money, good bless them, I have had friends trying to find me work, looking for houses for me to buy, when I thought that was the plan and friends that offered words of encouragement when at times life has seem a bit stressful to say the least. And as I type these words I have a tear, ok now two tears running down my face when I think about how blessed I am in life to have such wonderful, caring and supportive people around me in times of need!

Ok, wiped them away!!!

It will be a nice feeling over the next few months to be debt free, for a bit anyway and my biggest fear is that for some reason we wont be able to buy a house, but the plan is that, to find a perm job, and still buy our Dual Living. At least for the moment we can trial this in our rental house and can I just say that I am loving.... my girlie house upstairs, not many boy smells, buttttttt that Baby Jake does come up to visit at times and for some reason has the urge to use my toilet!! I have to work on that... maybe get a lock hehehe.

My Mum and Grandad are doing well too. Of course we have had a few things happen, wont bore you with the details, but as it always happens when my own life is crap something always goes down with them!!! But you get there don't you, step by step, day by day.... Grandad turned 91 back in September and last Saturday him and Mum came over to check out the house, as I know Grandad has been very worried about the stress I have been under and I just wanted to put his mind at rest so that he could see where we were living. We even managed to get him up 7 WHOLE FRONT STAIRS and he actually did it quite well. So this means that both him and Mum are coming back to stay on Xmas night, now that he can climb stairs!

Embee Louise is also doing well, can believe the size of her own back yard, its like Doggie Lotto hehehe. And one day, after a big storm, Jake came home after an early shift in the afternoon and there was Em, all covered in mud, LIKE A DOGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! Thank god I didn't see it, but he had to give her a shower downstairs to clean her up hehehe.

So there you have kids, the latest Morley oops there I go again, just called me Brittany Bitch! hehehe. The Latest M Stories..... stuff it, I might just have to rename it Morley Report, The M Report just doesn't have the same ring does it!

So next blog expect BIG BIRTHDAY ADVENTURE STORIES, and can I just add, very quietly on the side..... I can feel it my waters, AND THEY DON'T LIEEEE that the next 10 nights are going to bring some fun times and maybe, just maybe some juicy stories to share in the next instalment!!

My god have I written a book this time or what! You see I have been holding off, so that I could write some great news on the job front, house front but alas that, for now is not to be. Over the last two weeks I have had about four interviews, so maybe by the next time I might just have that perm job to tell you all about!

I hope 2009 has treated you all well and can I just leave you with this: when I was standing in my unit, watching the men move my stuff out into the truck, I realised that it's not a house/unit etc. that makes your life, little by little as my stuff was moved out I realised it's your family, your loved ones and your things, wherever they are, that is where your life is. At the end of the day, where you live, well it's just a shell, sure you have some memories, but once you stuff is out of there and the people you love are no longer there, it's just four walls! Took me a few days to come to that realisation and when I did, the move, the sale, the whole process, well it was better to deal with. I came to terms with the fact that life, the people in it, truly are what make it all worthwhile. The ups and the downs.... and I always say: you have to have the bad to appreciate the good!

Take care kids, I cherish you more than you could ever really know and I wish you a wonderful end to the year and for 2010, may all your dreams come true!

love ya

Me xxx

Coming soon: Blogs with pictures... I know I have hit the big time you know! Nahhh Jake bought a new camera in Fiji, pre Fijian Whooping Cough.... so watch out kids for pics to tell the story!
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