Karen In Sydney, Australia

08 May, 2010

Well it's going to be a big week!

First of all I wanted to start this blog with a little something I forgot to mention on the last one! Baby Jake got a promotion at work and now has moved from the Warehouse into the office. His title: The Inventory Controller as I like to call it! It's actually Inventory Control, but The Inventory Controller as the Bob the Builder ring to it hehehe.

He is doing really well and enjoying the change but has moved onto a day shift which is driving me insane!!!! But we have or I do anyway, 5 more sleeps until we move into the new house!

I've had a weekend away with my Mum and Grandad (three nights to be exact, not that I was counting hehehe) and whilst they had a great time, for me, it was alot of work, and I found it very sad to sit back and watch them as they have often talked of going away for a weeks holiday but I have never thought that they would be able to look after themselves for a whole week without either Jake or I there. So our little three night journey was mainly for me to be there, but to sit back and just see how they might go on their own.

It must be hard to get old and not be able to do the things you once could. Things that you and I take for granted. Two things spring to mind, 1. Just standing at the kitchen bench and buttering toast! It exhausted Grandad just to stand that long because where he lives, they do this for him etc. and 2. We hired him a scooter but even just taking it out of the complex by having to put a key in the lift was hard as he couldn't see the keyhole to put the key into.

This was something that I hadn't anticipated and he told me on many occasions that he felt useless. Buttttt he did enjoy his scooter/walks and it was sooo funny cause it was like waiting for your child to come home from their first date!! I was waiting for him to return to our apartment, hoping that he hadn't run out of power for the scooter hehehe orrrr worse, turned the scooter over and had an accident. Of course he was fine, but geez how ironic how the tides shift!! When you become the parent looking after them and being concerned hehehe.

Not sure if we will do it again, not down the Gold Coast anyway. Maybe something closer to home but give me 6 months to recover and I am sure I will forget how much work was involved and prob book another short break away!

Last night was an eventful night too. In a nutshell I was driving home with Al from the city where we had had a couple of Friday night drinks and dinner in the city and we were not far from my house when when turned into quite a busy road and there was this little dog running along and across the busy road, we turned the car around and I jumped out as the little dog was then running across this major intersection and there I was putting my hand up trying to stop the traffic, trucks included at like 8pm at night!

Three cars pulled over to help and we managed to get the little dog into Al's car and took it to the Emergency Vet which happens to be at the end of my street. It didn't have a collar but we were hoping for a Microchip, which thank god it had, but here is the thing: there are like 5 databases and it wasn't as easy as we first thought.

The dog ended up being a female (took us a while to get that close to see lol) and the vet had had one phone call that night about a missing dog. It kinda matched the description but then again, not really. But it was worth a shot and they had also told us that as the dog wasn't injured they couldn't keep it, so here we were waiting for these people to turn up, me thinking I might end up with another dog! Now Embee would love it, but still..... and so we hear a car pull up and Al goes to open the door anddddddddd THANK GOD it was their little dog Casey, who was 10 years old and had arthritis!

The couldn't believe how she had traveled that far down the road and had no idea how she had gotten out or what time! We all cried and hugged and they kept thanking us, even offering to buy us something to drink but we said No. We could only hope that if one of our dogs had escaped that someone would do the same thing for our dog.

One of the ladies also told us that it was a bit freaky but her best friend was psychic and she had rung her friend that night and she told her that Casey was on a main road and about to be hit by a car!!!

It's funny how things work out, as we only made plans to go out that night at like 3pm otherwise we wouldn't have been driving at that time of night on that road together!

It was such a relief to reunite them all and such a wonderful feeling. As soon as I got home I told Jake and cried again and gave Embee Louise a HUGE HUG!!!

Ok, so the week ahead. As mentioned before, we have or I have 5 nights before I leave on our little adventure to Daydream Island in the Whitsundays! Andddd I have to pack up the house before I leave. Today I packed ONE BOX! haha. I have a good reason: we don't have any packing tape to make up boxes! Sooooo tomorrow morning I will be up early and buying some and getting this crappy job done!

I fly out on Thursday for Hamilton Island with Elaine and our house settles on the Friday at 2.15pm. I can see me now: sitting at the pool bar, mobile phone in one hand waiting for the call, then to order a celebratory drink! I read on our itinerary that on Friday night we have a Sunset Cruise at 4.30pm! So I need to make sure I make it on the boat, I look decent and can walk! hahaha.

So many changes are about to happen and I have felt like my life has been kinda suspended for the last six months whilst we rented. So it will be exciting to leave for holidays from one house and return to be living in another!

Our holiday on Daydream should be interesting too! You see it's a Singles week! So there will be lots of shenanigans I am sure to report on, on my return!

I am thinking that I should maybe ring ahead and forewarn them that we are on our way! hahaha. And as my Grandad would say: Batten down the hatches!!!

Well that's it for now kids!

Hope you have a great week too! xxx

15 April, 2010

2010 begins a little something like this.....

Well the last Morley Report was done on the 30th December, a lifetime ago really…. Its funny isn’t it how times passes so quickly!

I had some very sad news at the end of last year. I went to have a nana nap as you do, in preparation for a good New Years Eve night! And when I woke up I checked my mobile phone and I had to HUGE MESSAGES. One was from a friend who had decided to pack up and move away by herself, and leave her four children, two much older, two younger and left her two youngest with their father! I was in shock, but prob had always thought this moment would come….. As sad as that sounds! Long story there, but I have tried to contact her couple of times since and have only been able to leave a contact phone number on her phone… and haven’t heard back!

The other, was soooo very sad. You see a good friend of mine Cassie that I used to work with had text’d me to say that her partner Peter had just passed away from cancer.

He had been sick prob since around August and Cassie and I had kept in touch via email and I had received and email from her over Xmas saying that he wasn’t doing well. But I was just so in shock when I read this text!

Peter was one of the good guys! J Cassie and Peter have been sooo supportive of Jake and I over the last few years. And we both thought very highly of Peter and Cassie of course too…. I remember Cassie telling me the story of how they met and I used to say what an amazing guy to take on a woman with three very little kids, and two of them being twins and that how hard it is out there nowadays to find such a man!

When we went to the funeral, Cassie’s daughter spoke and talked of her love for Peter, it was so beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. Cassie herself got up to speak and I knew then that I would lose it! I was only telling her this week how the service was sooo beautiful (if that is even a word to describe it….) but it truly was. To see and hear how much this man was loved, to see pictures of Peter growing up over the years…..

Towards then end when they were putting the coffin into the car, they had this amazing rose bouquet and asked if people wanted to come forward and take one, to remember Peter, which I thought was such a lovely thing to do. I waited but then took one and for days afterward's I watched this beautiful strong rose that smelt lovely grow and blossom… and remind me of Peter! And what a wonderful and loving life he had lead….

I have since spoken to my Grandad who is turning the big 92 this year about the service (as it is with the same company, he has already paid in advance for it you see) and I would like to do Grandad’s service the same way. The hardest part I believe is at the end, at the Crematorium where the casket goes behind the curtain and you get up and walk away. Peter left, like he was just going for a drive lol…. We watched him drive away in the back of a car, listening to a lovely song and everyone watched him leave…. For a funeral, which of course we never somehow really talk about much, it was very very touching and beautiful!

I think of the love that Cassie and Peter shared and I hope that one day too I still might find this….. And I will always remember him fondly!

Okkkkkkkk, so dry those tears Groover’s…. I just had to share how my 2009 ended!

Buttttttttttt 2010 started with a BANG! I was MADEEEEEE to go up to Caloundra for an adventure to visit Maureen. We had a great time, lots of laughs and lots of good girl goss, as you do! Hehe

It has been an interesting few months. I had a week off in-between jobs and took my Mum and Grandad down to Coolangatta for a night! We actually had a nice time, I took Grandad for a walk in his wheelchair around Greenmount Beach, like we used to do when I was younger and next weekend for the Anzac Day Long Weekend, I have booked a three night stay for the three of us, going back to where we used to holiday when I was a kid. So lots of great memories and memories of my Nana; when she was alive.

I have also booked a scooter for Grandad so he can take himself off on adventures and revisit things he used to do when he could walk!

I also had them over for two nights over Easter as well, and boyyyyyy was it a lot of work! Buttttt you do what you do, don’t you. He doesn’t like it that he cannot do things now, but I say to him, when I was little you took me places, you got me a drink of water, you helped me walk and hold my hand and now its my turn to repay the favour!

It must be hard when you get to that age and your mind is like 25 but the body lets you down….. I can only hope that when I get older I am like him! He is a goose and you can all blame him for my talking and sad sense of humour! Hehehe He def keeps them on their toes at the retirement village and is a big stirrer…. Sound familiar hehehe.

The new job is going really really well and I actually love it! I knowwwwwwwwwww do I have a fever haha. The people are lovely and I have made some new friends! Which is always a nice thing!

I’ve also had some adventures babysitting some little kittens which made me laugh! After seeing poor old Herman at 19, walk around like an old man, you forget what it is like to see babies with all that energy! Hehe – they def made me smile! Embee came to visit one night and it was so funny cause she wouldn’t give them eye contact, she was that scared.

And the biggest news of course is that Baby Jake and I have bought a new house! It doesn’t settle until 14th May (at their asking…) so we still have a few weeks, but it’s a great house and def suited for Morley living! Hehehe. It’s a dual living house, with two kitchens, one upstairs one down, three bedrooms upstairs and two bedrooms downstairs, two lounges, a pool….. And a shed at the back that has two ceiling fans that Jake believes will be called “Jake’s World” complete with spa, waterslides, movie theatre…. The boy likes to dream; next it will have naked girls too! Haha

And how is this for timing…. The day it settles, I will be on holidays on Daydream Island!!!!!! How great is that hehehe. So I leave from one house and come back to another…. Brilliant timing on my behalf! Hehehe

I will just pack up before I go and Baby Jake will be in charge of org the removal the day before I get back!

Daydream Island… mmmm watch this space Groover’s! It will be a very interesting holiday and I am going with my partner in Crime and Hot Men Adventures – Elaine! Now that says it all just in that one sentence hehehe. But the next blog will provide you with all the goss! I might just dangle a carrot here and give a hint that it’s actually a “Singles Week” I knowwwwwwwwwww. But that is all I can share at this stage….. So stay tuned, same bat channel, same bat time….

I also attended the most wonderful 21st in March for my close friend, she might say Lova… hehehe Al! I had the best time and it was an open bar, so as you do I hooked into the Rum and Cokes…. And halfway through the night Al and her sister Victoria come up and ask me if I could make a speech! Now I didn’t even make a speech at my own 40th! I hate them with a passion, because I am quite shy you knowwww I AMMMMMMM!

And so I had to ask them to repeat it, because I thought hang on a sec maybe you got it wrong, because Al had told me that there would be no speeches…. So I asked them to repeat the request, which they did….. and then I said and ladies, you will understand this next statement: I said to them, you know when you are say on the phone and this guy you have been going out with has rung up and decides to break up with you over the phone and the blood rushes from your body down to your VAGINA, cause you are in shock! Hehehe and they look at me like wtf; well I say this has just happened to me right now!!!! I am telling you all that at this moment I sobered up completely and I wanted to do the speech straight away but had it wasn’t to be for another hour and half, so this gave me just enough time to top up on rums to provide the Dutch courage that I needed to do the speech!

And here is another interesting fact: what I ABSOLUTELY LOVE about this generation is that they do not care one bit how old you are. It’s all about YOU the person….. And the next day I had a few friend requests for Facebook from some of the people that I had met the night before! Al has such a wonderful group of friends and I enjoyed myself A LOT that night!

And OMG how could I forget, the big big news…. Embee Louise Morley turned 4!!! I knowwww where do the years go… hehehe. We celebrated by going to the Doggie Café at Gumdale, as you do! And the day we were out our neighbour came over and gave Jake a pic of Embee that they had taken. You see they lost their old dog at Xmas time and I said if they ever wanted to come over and get her, for a walk or just for her to hang out at their place, just come over and get her. Because I know she would love it and they might like it too! And how’s this…. I like to call it the “Secret Life of Embee” buttttt she goes over there about two times a week! And I had no idea… because when I come home she is there! That girl def get’s around….

I also had a weekend away at Montville. You see when I sold my unit last year I received in the mail a $50 voucher to use at a French Restaurant up there, so we made a weekend of it!

Very interesting accommodation too….. My bed hung from the ceiling by chains yes you read correctly! And was chained to the floor as well! Let’s just say it had lots of movement hehe.

We also had a Rain on the Roof system, where you put $2 in the slot and there was a sprinkler system on the roof. We put it on at night time and went to sleep listening to rain… which was lovely! And then we also put it on during the day and you could actually see it raining outside! I LOVE IT! Should get one for the new house hehehe.

Well my friends, that brings us up to date.. Up to Morley Date!

Thanks for reading and thanks again too for all the lovely emails that I receive and the nice comments from people when they read my blog!

Hope life is treating you all well and that the year is going along smoothly!

Until next time Groover’s it’s over and out Rubber Ducky!

Me xxx
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