Well Week No. 2 done and dusted with the new job and still enjoying it!
Sometimes of course you forget just how frustrating it can be when learning new things and it would be great to fast forward say 6 weeks when you kinda know what is what! But I am getting there bit by bit and it feels right!
The travelling times are just out of this world and I am coming home early with time to do things around the house and this week I wasn't feeling as tired as the week before.
We also had a special visitor for the day on Wednesday - Seamus! He belongs to one of the women I work with and is only 2. He is such a lovely boy, very big! I think Embee Louise will love him and I am def going to be taking her into work in the near future! Should be an interesting day at work when that happens! hehehe
Well Easter is nearly over. I have had my Mum staying with me for the last three nights. It's the first Easter without my Grandad and whilst we were never a family that was into Easter in a big way, the first time without him around is always hard. I find it hits you when you least expect it.
Our family was always visited by the Easter Bunny on Good Friday. It wasn't until I was older that I realised he came to other families on the Sunday! I guess the good thing was that we had longer to eat the chocolate! hehehe.
I don't have too many big memories of Easter. When Jake was younger he would go to his Dad's for the break so I guess we just never really got into it. As he got older he had a part time job at a Fish and Chip shop, which of course was very busy over Easter.
But here are some of my memories! The first was we used to have budgies, and we had them like people loved their dogs, like I feel about Embee Louise. So one Easter one of our birds (we only had one at a time by the way) passed away. And we always buried them, so I found an Easter Egg Box that had a lid and this became his coffin!! So in our old backyard at Paddington lies the packaging with some feathers LOL poor little thing.... But a nice coffin at that! :)
The next one is of me as a young girl, prob around 10ish. My Dad sent in the mail (he lived down south) this fancy Egg covered in Orange foil (yes I can still remember it) surrounded by little chocs. Now in those days this was a BIG THING! I felt very special!
And the last Easter memory is of my Baby Jake. Who at just 18 months old had his first Easter Egg hunt at a friends house where we were living at the time. Now nobody explained to Baby Jake that the aim of the game was to collect as many as you could. So the kids were going crazy collecting as many as they could but no not Jake! I can still see him now, finding the little egg, sitting down where he found it, opening the egg and eating it! Soooo happy that he found one! So very cute.... I miss that Baby Jake but as Jake tells me sometimes: Mum, Baby Jake is dead.... and I say Noooooooooooooooo.
You know kids, sometimes as parents, new parents at that you feel like you will never EVER get you life back. But I can tell you, cause I am on the other side, you do! I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but that day comes and when it does you do miss those special moments. Mind you, it's also exciting to finally just be YOU. But doesn't matter how old they get, they still need you eg. When they are sick! Mind you they can't tell you, cause they have an image YOU KNOW! ;)
So my Easter has been quiet, Jake is away up north visiting, ready for it: his Dad's ex Wife No. 2's family. I knowwwwww we are sooo dysfunctional! hehehe And later in the year, when Jake turns 21! I knowwww can you believe it!!! We are all going away me, ex wife no. 2, her husband, their son, his two sons from a previous marriage and her mum and the birthday boy Jake, of course.
Jake used to sing this song when he was little, to the tune of Barney the Dinosaur: I love you, you love me, we're a dysfunctional family! hehehe Ohhhh how true are those words. One Xmas his Dad's ex wife No. 2 (are you keeping up? lol) said to me, Karen you are the best ex wife EVER! As they were having drama's with her new partner's ex wife! LOL
So Jake is away, Mum is staying here and I have been sick since Thursday night with a head cold! So have been in bed most of the break, which really wasn't part of my plan, but that's life!
I also had the chance to watch a very good friend of mine, host Fox Sports on Foxtel (Foxtel is Australia's pay TV). It is so surreal to see someone you know on TV and I don't know if this happens to you, but to me, when you see people you know after many years they still look exactly how you remember them from back in the day.
It's like they have never aged! And it make you too feel like you are that same age when you knew them. Funny isn't it!
But I was very proud to watch my good friend and to see how far he has come!
Well my friends, the end of another week is upon us.
Hope you had a great Easter, tomorrow of course is ANZAC Day in Australia. ANZAC Day is the national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, to honor members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey in World War 1. But it now broadly commemorates all of those who have died and served in Military operations for their Country.
It's a big day here in Australia and my Grandad whilst in the Army for World War 2 never did active service as he was discharged on medical reasons, it was a special day for him to remember friends that had served our Country.
So Groover's take care, remember the ANZAC's and see you next week with a much clearer head AND NOSE! :)
Me xxx
24 April, 2011
18 April, 2011
Antenna's, Cocktails and Massages... Life sure is tough!
So this week I am a little late with my Morley Report.... I guess last night to be very honest I just wasn't in the writing kinda mood. Andddd I didn't think anyone would really notice!!
So it was quite funny this morning to read all the messages on Facebook and even a few texts. So here it is Groover's:
Well the first week at my new job went very very well. And get this, on the very first day they took ME OUT TO LUNCH! And most days it takes approx. 8-10mins to drive to and from work. Jake hates me hehehe. When he leaves in the morning I'm still laying in bed, as you do!
Here is a pic of one of the big antenna's at work that help broadcast the ABC and SBS TV and Radio to Brisbane:
And it's funny because you kinda forget how tired you get when you are learning a new job, all that concentrating etc. Boy what a tiring week! My bed never felt so goooooood! :)
And I cannot begin to tell you how IN LOVE I am with the travelling times!!
I'm also off to Sydney next month few a few days with work. They seem like a great bunch of people and I am very happy.
Ohhhh and get this little bit of goss! A few weeks ago they found a SNAKE!!! in the office.... not far from my desk! NOICE!!!
At the end of the week I had a two night stay down at The Mantra at Salt, Kingcliff in New South Wales, about 2 hours drive south from where I live.
I discovered Salt (as I like to call it) back in 2005 when back then it was known as The Outrigger now its Mantra. There is a huge park in the middle and to open the Salt Village they had WHO? - yep you got it! Michael Bublé!
Here is the link to the Mantra on Salt Beach Kingscliff.
At that stage they were still building the Peppers resort but later in that year, at Xmas time, I did stay at Peppers Beach House, now known as Peppers Balé. I loved it! But it's very expensive (last time some friends paid for it) and I never thought I could afford it myself. But last year the real estate that we booked our holiday unit through, now manage a few apartments at Balé. The link to the Real Estate agency is Kingscliff Sales and Rentals, under Holidays.
Soooo as I do, I have a week booked later in the year in November!
I love it down there and had a a lovely weekend, filled with a walk on the beach, a swim in the pool, a rum and coke, a hot stone massage, dreamy facial, face and scalp massage along with a cocktail, tapas..... I could go on! Oh and the most amazing spa bath in my unit.
There is wonderful Day Spa in the heart of Kingscliff and I got all three services for $119, for one and a half hours.
Here is the link Sambara Spa.
Now I love to share my knowledge of all great things travel. I got a great rate of A $98 per night for a hotel room, for two people and it included a buffet breakfast each day! Minimum of two nights.
I got this rate on Wotif. What you need to do is sign up for their newsletter. The link appears on their home page on the top left hand side. I also subscribe to them via Facebook and Twitter. The other week they had $11 per night deals for 11 minutes, but only through a link on Facebook and Twitter.
So stay tuned for more travel tips during the year! :)
Ohh and here is the recipe for a Toblerone Cocktail.
At the end of my weekend I went to visit my good friend Big T! I met Big T back in 2000 when I worked for Sunlover Holidays, part of Tourism Queensland. We had the most amazing adventures during our time and I am very lucky to have made such a wonderful friend.
Now last year Big T became a Dad for the very first time and with all the events of last year with my Grandad I hadn't been able to catch up him and his new family. So we had a wonderful visit.
Well Groover's have yourself a wonderful week and stay safe and happy over Easter and see you Sunday night! I PROMISE!!! :)
Me xxx
So it was quite funny this morning to read all the messages on Facebook and even a few texts. So here it is Groover's:
Well the first week at my new job went very very well. And get this, on the very first day they took ME OUT TO LUNCH! And most days it takes approx. 8-10mins to drive to and from work. Jake hates me hehehe. When he leaves in the morning I'm still laying in bed, as you do!
Here is a pic of one of the big antenna's at work that help broadcast the ABC and SBS TV and Radio to Brisbane:
And it's funny because you kinda forget how tired you get when you are learning a new job, all that concentrating etc. Boy what a tiring week! My bed never felt so goooooood! :)
And I cannot begin to tell you how IN LOVE I am with the travelling times!!
I'm also off to Sydney next month few a few days with work. They seem like a great bunch of people and I am very happy.
Ohhhh and get this little bit of goss! A few weeks ago they found a SNAKE!!! in the office.... not far from my desk! NOICE!!!
At the end of the week I had a two night stay down at The Mantra at Salt, Kingcliff in New South Wales, about 2 hours drive south from where I live.
I discovered Salt (as I like to call it) back in 2005 when back then it was known as The Outrigger now its Mantra. There is a huge park in the middle and to open the Salt Village they had WHO? - yep you got it! Michael Bublé!
Here is the link to the Mantra on Salt Beach Kingscliff.
At that stage they were still building the Peppers resort but later in that year, at Xmas time, I did stay at Peppers Beach House, now known as Peppers Balé. I loved it! But it's very expensive (last time some friends paid for it) and I never thought I could afford it myself. But last year the real estate that we booked our holiday unit through, now manage a few apartments at Balé. The link to the Real Estate agency is Kingscliff Sales and Rentals, under Holidays.
Soooo as I do, I have a week booked later in the year in November!
I love it down there and had a a lovely weekend, filled with a walk on the beach, a swim in the pool, a rum and coke, a hot stone massage, dreamy facial, face and scalp massage along with a cocktail, tapas..... I could go on! Oh and the most amazing spa bath in my unit.
There is wonderful Day Spa in the heart of Kingscliff and I got all three services for $119, for one and a half hours.
Here is the link Sambara Spa.
Now I love to share my knowledge of all great things travel. I got a great rate of A $98 per night for a hotel room, for two people and it included a buffet breakfast each day! Minimum of two nights.
I got this rate on Wotif. What you need to do is sign up for their newsletter. The link appears on their home page on the top left hand side. I also subscribe to them via Facebook and Twitter. The other week they had $11 per night deals for 11 minutes, but only through a link on Facebook and Twitter.
So stay tuned for more travel tips during the year! :)
Ohh and here is the recipe for a Toblerone Cocktail.
At the end of my weekend I went to visit my good friend Big T! I met Big T back in 2000 when I worked for Sunlover Holidays, part of Tourism Queensland. We had the most amazing adventures during our time and I am very lucky to have made such a wonderful friend.
Now last year Big T became a Dad for the very first time and with all the events of last year with my Grandad I hadn't been able to catch up him and his new family. So we had a wonderful visit.
Well Groover's have yourself a wonderful week and stay safe and happy over Easter and see you Sunday night! I PROMISE!!! :)
Me xxx
10 April, 2011
What a difference a week can make!
As the saying goes "what a difference a week can make" andddd that is oh so very true!
This time last week we had just arrived at Coolum and it always takes a few days to unwind. Sometimes I don't think we really truly realise just how much we are just surviving and hanging in there by our teeth!
I have always said that Holidays are the Drug of my Choice!!! I firmly believe that we need something to look forward too. A little light at the end of the tunnel to keep going. And last year at Xmas/New Year I decided to put lots of little "lights" at the end of my tunnel to keep me going through this year. I always had the week booked for the Doggy Holiday House but brought it forward early to still be able to do it before I started my new job tomorrow.
I have been so luck in the last few years to have time off in-between jobs. I think you need it, to cleanse yourself from the previous job and get rid of all the baggage so that you can start anew, like a brand new sponge ready to soak up all the new information.
We had a wonderful time in Coolum! We had little naps during the day, bubble baths, swims in the pool (well I did!), walks on the beach, just enjoying the peace and quiet, listening to the wind blow through the trees, hearing birds sing, laughing at doggy friends on the beach. We had a blast.
I was also lucky to have some special visitor's with Maureen popping in a few times and then a sleepover with Deb and her two girls - Star and Bella! We all got along famously and it was so nice to just sit and chat and smile.
And like I said, it takes a while for the layers to come off. Like an onion I guess, or a flower with petals unfolding. Buttttt if you hang in there, finally you get to that core, that inner happiness, that at times in life seems so evasive! Sometimes I think you even completely forget what it is like to just be.
So we recharged the batteries and returned brighter, happier and relaxed! Mission accomplished!!!
I have had a few people ask me about The Doggy Holiday House. This was our third visit in 5 years. You don't have to have a dog, but it's 5 minutes from what we like to call the Doggy Beach, where you can let your dog off the leash and let them run free. Not many places can you do this nowadays....
Here is the link for those of you interested Sunshine Coast Escape.
The owners really do look after the house extremely well and are big animal lovers. It's a hop, skip and a jump to the shops, restaurants and just a wonderful peaceful holiday house. And can sleep up to 8 people. All this plus your very own swimming pool.
And whilst it was sad to say goodbye, it was also exciting to come home! Jake had enjoyed the Mumma and Embee free house for the week but as my Grandad used to say when I used to arrive (when I was little) "peace is shattered!" hehehe and so we arrived back home at Morley Manor!
There is nothing as good as your own bed! Although...... it's only tonight that I get to sleep in it. As you see, I had a very busy first night back with two parties to attend!
First one was for a lovely friend called Lindy. And you know, we can blame her really for this blog even existing. You see she went to Canada a few years ago and fell in love! Noooo not Michael Buble, but with Peter! And when she packed up to move over there for a while, she created her very own Blog! And I was so impressed that this is when The Morley Report Blog was born.
So Lindy and Peter are getting married next week and Lindy was having her hen's night! So I popped in there for a short visit, or so I thought! Buttt there were many old friends that I used to work with there, so I had a great time catching up with everyone.
Then I hit the road, to drive to my other good friend Rebecca's Cocktail Birthday Party that was being held at her Nana, Julie's house.
Now you KNOWWWWWW I always have a story to tell, so here we go:
When I was 20 and went on that cruise I mentioned a few weeks back, well I also met another guy Dean. Nowww I was pretty keen on Dean, BUT!! I had a boyfriend and as you do, even though I was very very VERY tempted, I was a good kid and realised I was in love and so stayed a good kid! Stupid I know hehehe, considering I married that boy who I loved and ended up Divorced, butttt did get Jake out of it! So as they say things happen for a reason.
And I guess, because I was good, all these years later Dean and I are still friends. And when I turned 40 a few years ago, Dean came along to my party and brought with him his niece, Rebecca! And now Rebecca and I are wonderful friends! And in turn, I am friends with Deans Mum and her lovely friend Fran! The World Groover's sure is an amazing place on how we meet people and how they are brought into our lives.
You just never know do you, when you meet someone, that they can become such lifelong friends......
So I had a very social night, two parties, cocktails, rum and coke and a sleepover!
And upon my return today, well I guess I need to break the big news....
We have traded Embee Louise Morley, who some of you may remember as looking like this:
For a little lamb:
Isn't she cute. Funny to see Embee without all her hair and she looks like a little puppy hehehe. Jake was to sacrifice her as a sacrificial Lamb! Poor Embee Louise!
And for those of you over on the Northside, I can really recommend Jenny, who lives 3 mins from me if you are on the lookout for a caring dog groomer! And she doesn't charge the earth, with today only costing $30. You just take your dog to her house at Murrumba Down's here on the Northside. Here are her details:
Jenny Mobile: 0448 849 636
I also like to share little bits and pieces that I find during the week that make me laugh! Here is a clip that Air New Zealand are showing on their flights as their Safety Video! OMG it is HILARIOUS!!!
I can just see a Kath and Kim clip for Qantas hehehe.
So kids, this brings us to the end of another week. Tomorrow I start the new job. And it's taken me a little while to except that it's actually real. That I DO infact have a job 10 minutes from home! I am actually really looking forward to it, I knowwwww you are thinking did she get SUNSTROKE up there on her holiday... but noooo I didn't. I am just really ready to begin a new chapter in this little old life of mine!
So Groover's be kind to yourself, think about creating your own "little light at the end of your tunnel" and talk to you next week!
Love ya
Me xxx
Oh! Before I forget, there is a really easy way now to follow The Morley Report! Right at the top of the page, on the right hand side you will see follow by email. If you type your email into the box, every time I write my blog you will receive it straight away via email. See yaaaaaa xxx
This time last week we had just arrived at Coolum and it always takes a few days to unwind. Sometimes I don't think we really truly realise just how much we are just surviving and hanging in there by our teeth!
I have always said that Holidays are the Drug of my Choice!!! I firmly believe that we need something to look forward too. A little light at the end of the tunnel to keep going. And last year at Xmas/New Year I decided to put lots of little "lights" at the end of my tunnel to keep me going through this year. I always had the week booked for the Doggy Holiday House but brought it forward early to still be able to do it before I started my new job tomorrow.
I have been so luck in the last few years to have time off in-between jobs. I think you need it, to cleanse yourself from the previous job and get rid of all the baggage so that you can start anew, like a brand new sponge ready to soak up all the new information.
We had a wonderful time in Coolum! We had little naps during the day, bubble baths, swims in the pool (well I did!), walks on the beach, just enjoying the peace and quiet, listening to the wind blow through the trees, hearing birds sing, laughing at doggy friends on the beach. We had a blast.
I was also lucky to have some special visitor's with Maureen popping in a few times and then a sleepover with Deb and her two girls - Star and Bella! We all got along famously and it was so nice to just sit and chat and smile.
And like I said, it takes a while for the layers to come off. Like an onion I guess, or a flower with petals unfolding. Buttttt if you hang in there, finally you get to that core, that inner happiness, that at times in life seems so evasive! Sometimes I think you even completely forget what it is like to just be.
So we recharged the batteries and returned brighter, happier and relaxed! Mission accomplished!!!
I have had a few people ask me about The Doggy Holiday House. This was our third visit in 5 years. You don't have to have a dog, but it's 5 minutes from what we like to call the Doggy Beach, where you can let your dog off the leash and let them run free. Not many places can you do this nowadays....
Here is the link for those of you interested Sunshine Coast Escape.
The owners really do look after the house extremely well and are big animal lovers. It's a hop, skip and a jump to the shops, restaurants and just a wonderful peaceful holiday house. And can sleep up to 8 people. All this plus your very own swimming pool.
And whilst it was sad to say goodbye, it was also exciting to come home! Jake had enjoyed the Mumma and Embee free house for the week but as my Grandad used to say when I used to arrive (when I was little) "peace is shattered!" hehehe and so we arrived back home at Morley Manor!
There is nothing as good as your own bed! Although...... it's only tonight that I get to sleep in it. As you see, I had a very busy first night back with two parties to attend!
First one was for a lovely friend called Lindy. And you know, we can blame her really for this blog even existing. You see she went to Canada a few years ago and fell in love! Noooo not Michael Buble, but with Peter! And when she packed up to move over there for a while, she created her very own Blog! And I was so impressed that this is when The Morley Report Blog was born.
So Lindy and Peter are getting married next week and Lindy was having her hen's night! So I popped in there for a short visit, or so I thought! Buttt there were many old friends that I used to work with there, so I had a great time catching up with everyone.
Then I hit the road, to drive to my other good friend Rebecca's Cocktail Birthday Party that was being held at her Nana, Julie's house.
Now you KNOWWWWWW I always have a story to tell, so here we go:
When I was 20 and went on that cruise I mentioned a few weeks back, well I also met another guy Dean. Nowww I was pretty keen on Dean, BUT!! I had a boyfriend and as you do, even though I was very very VERY tempted, I was a good kid and realised I was in love and so stayed a good kid! Stupid I know hehehe, considering I married that boy who I loved and ended up Divorced, butttt did get Jake out of it! So as they say things happen for a reason.
And I guess, because I was good, all these years later Dean and I are still friends. And when I turned 40 a few years ago, Dean came along to my party and brought with him his niece, Rebecca! And now Rebecca and I are wonderful friends! And in turn, I am friends with Deans Mum and her lovely friend Fran! The World Groover's sure is an amazing place on how we meet people and how they are brought into our lives.
You just never know do you, when you meet someone, that they can become such lifelong friends......
So I had a very social night, two parties, cocktails, rum and coke and a sleepover!
And upon my return today, well I guess I need to break the big news....
We have traded Embee Louise Morley, who some of you may remember as looking like this:
For a little lamb:
Isn't she cute. Funny to see Embee without all her hair and she looks like a little puppy hehehe. Jake was to sacrifice her as a sacrificial Lamb! Poor Embee Louise!
And for those of you over on the Northside, I can really recommend Jenny, who lives 3 mins from me if you are on the lookout for a caring dog groomer! And she doesn't charge the earth, with today only costing $30. You just take your dog to her house at Murrumba Down's here on the Northside. Here are her details:
Jenny Mobile: 0448 849 636
I also like to share little bits and pieces that I find during the week that make me laugh! Here is a clip that Air New Zealand are showing on their flights as their Safety Video! OMG it is HILARIOUS!!!
I can just see a Kath and Kim clip for Qantas hehehe.
So kids, this brings us to the end of another week. Tomorrow I start the new job. And it's taken me a little while to except that it's actually real. That I DO infact have a job 10 minutes from home! I am actually really looking forward to it, I knowwwww you are thinking did she get SUNSTROKE up there on her holiday... but noooo I didn't. I am just really ready to begin a new chapter in this little old life of mine!
So Groover's be kind to yourself, think about creating your own "little light at the end of your tunnel" and talk to you next week!
Love ya
Me xxx
Oh! Before I forget, there is a really easy way now to follow The Morley Report! Right at the top of the page, on the right hand side you will see follow by email. If you type your email into the box, every time I write my blog you will receive it straight away via email. See yaaaaaa xxx
03 April, 2011
Endings, Beaches (not Bette Midler!) and new beginnings....
So before we begin this week’s stories, one story I meant to share last week, but due to being very tired from a big weekend, I completely forgot!
So at Lisa and Lindsay’s party the other week; when Jake aka DJ Sammy was playing the music, he played White Wedding by Billy Idol. (Click on White wedding to have a listen). Now he played this as he knows the story behind it.
So let us go back in time…. No 1920’s but the 80’s! God I miss the 80’s!!! The music the hair the shoulder pads! Look it gave me maybe another inch in height hehehe.
And there I am, 17 years old, underage – as you do…. in a nightclub in Brisbane. First time ever at a nightclub thinking how swish I was, being all grown up. Now my family did know I was out at a nightclub, let’s just put that bit out there first. And so this cute guy and his friend ask me and my friend to dance. The song, yep you got it “White Wedding” by Billy Idol.
So there I am dancing, dancing, dancing and the guy leans over and asks my name and then asks what do I do for a living, so I tell him and then I ask him what he does…….. OH YEAH he is a policeman!!! OMG I nearly died then and there on the spot. And so there I am still dancing, dancing, dancing thinking when is this song going to end! It was the longest song ever known to man and whilst in reality it was only a few mins it felt like 3 hours! Hehehe.
So lovely Jake aka DJ Sammy played this song for me so I could dance and pretend I was 17 again… what a dude! ☺
So it was def a big week. I explain it like this: you know when you are in a relationship and it finishes. And sure it’s sad that it’s finished but you know it is for the best. But what happens next is that you are then sad for what could have been as you thought you would be together for ever or for a while anyways ☺
Well this is how I felt. I guess when you start a new job; you are hoping this might be it. The job for you. And when it doesn’t pan out that way it’s a bit sad. But I am a huge believer that things happen in life for a reason. There are a lot of great people at my old job and they were lovely to work with, but it was time to move on.
My new job is only 10 mins from home, pays more and the people seem really laid back and really nice. They are even flying me to Sydney to meet the people in head office as I will be dealing with them a lot. And get this, on the very first day they have said to start at 10am! As this will give them time to prepare for me. How nice is that!
So it was a big week of HOT LUNCH DATES.

This will be the one thing that I will prob miss the most, is catching up with friends during the week for lunch. So I had a very very social week!
I shared my going away lunch with my good friend Amanda, who was also leaving.

We had a huge going away lunch and it was sooo nice to have so many people come along!

Then came the big day, my very last day. It went fast, faster than the two weeks that’s for sure. I left at lunch time and had a lovely lunch with Nerida, who has been a very supportive friend ☺

Then before I knew it, I was driving up the coast with Embee Louise and my Mum! Mum and Jake came to stay with us for the first night at the Doggy Holiday House, as I like to call it.

I have been dying for the break, to walk along the dog friendly beach with Embee. She just loves it and its soooo relaxing to breath in the sea air, watch the waves and feel the sun on my skin! Only problem is even if I pack a separate towel for Embee she seems to take over my towel on the beach! Hehehe.

Embee looks that happy you can even see her smile when she is at the beach!
We also had a lovely visit by Maureen this afternoon, hence The Morley Report being a little late this week.
So I am looking forward to the week ahead, to relax and recharge!
You guys have a great week too and talk soon
Me xxx
Just wanted to share a Grandad story with you. So Grandad used to have these little miniature roses in a pot, but the pot was broken so I took it home about a year and a half ago to repot it. But as you do, never got around to it, then after Grandad passed away I noticed it looked like it had died. But one day I took a closer look and low and behold there were some little green shoots. So I pulled all the weeds out, replanted into a new pot I had with some soil esp for Roses and guess what? Last year two little yellow roses bloomed :)
It's happened twice, once even around my birthday! And last weekend I noticed a bud and on my last day at work it produced a lovely little yellow rose. I decided to take a pic and here it is!

I believe it's a little present from Grandad to say congrats on the new job :)
So at Lisa and Lindsay’s party the other week; when Jake aka DJ Sammy was playing the music, he played White Wedding by Billy Idol. (Click on White wedding to have a listen). Now he played this as he knows the story behind it.
So let us go back in time…. No 1920’s but the 80’s! God I miss the 80’s!!! The music the hair the shoulder pads! Look it gave me maybe another inch in height hehehe.
And there I am, 17 years old, underage – as you do…. in a nightclub in Brisbane. First time ever at a nightclub thinking how swish I was, being all grown up. Now my family did know I was out at a nightclub, let’s just put that bit out there first. And so this cute guy and his friend ask me and my friend to dance. The song, yep you got it “White Wedding” by Billy Idol.
So there I am dancing, dancing, dancing and the guy leans over and asks my name and then asks what do I do for a living, so I tell him and then I ask him what he does…….. OH YEAH he is a policeman!!! OMG I nearly died then and there on the spot. And so there I am still dancing, dancing, dancing thinking when is this song going to end! It was the longest song ever known to man and whilst in reality it was only a few mins it felt like 3 hours! Hehehe.
So lovely Jake aka DJ Sammy played this song for me so I could dance and pretend I was 17 again… what a dude! ☺
So it was def a big week. I explain it like this: you know when you are in a relationship and it finishes. And sure it’s sad that it’s finished but you know it is for the best. But what happens next is that you are then sad for what could have been as you thought you would be together for ever or for a while anyways ☺
Well this is how I felt. I guess when you start a new job; you are hoping this might be it. The job for you. And when it doesn’t pan out that way it’s a bit sad. But I am a huge believer that things happen in life for a reason. There are a lot of great people at my old job and they were lovely to work with, but it was time to move on.
My new job is only 10 mins from home, pays more and the people seem really laid back and really nice. They are even flying me to Sydney to meet the people in head office as I will be dealing with them a lot. And get this, on the very first day they have said to start at 10am! As this will give them time to prepare for me. How nice is that!
So it was a big week of HOT LUNCH DATES.
This will be the one thing that I will prob miss the most, is catching up with friends during the week for lunch. So I had a very very social week!
I shared my going away lunch with my good friend Amanda, who was also leaving.
We had a huge going away lunch and it was sooo nice to have so many people come along!
Then came the big day, my very last day. It went fast, faster than the two weeks that’s for sure. I left at lunch time and had a lovely lunch with Nerida, who has been a very supportive friend ☺
Then before I knew it, I was driving up the coast with Embee Louise and my Mum! Mum and Jake came to stay with us for the first night at the Doggy Holiday House, as I like to call it.
I have been dying for the break, to walk along the dog friendly beach with Embee. She just loves it and its soooo relaxing to breath in the sea air, watch the waves and feel the sun on my skin! Only problem is even if I pack a separate towel for Embee she seems to take over my towel on the beach! Hehehe.
Embee looks that happy you can even see her smile when she is at the beach!
We also had a lovely visit by Maureen this afternoon, hence The Morley Report being a little late this week.
So I am looking forward to the week ahead, to relax and recharge!
You guys have a great week too and talk soon
Me xxx
Just wanted to share a Grandad story with you. So Grandad used to have these little miniature roses in a pot, but the pot was broken so I took it home about a year and a half ago to repot it. But as you do, never got around to it, then after Grandad passed away I noticed it looked like it had died. But one day I took a closer look and low and behold there were some little green shoots. So I pulled all the weeds out, replanted into a new pot I had with some soil esp for Roses and guess what? Last year two little yellow roses bloomed :)
It's happened twice, once even around my birthday! And last weekend I noticed a bud and on my last day at work it produced a lovely little yellow rose. I decided to take a pic and here it is!
I believe it's a little present from Grandad to say congrats on the new job :)
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