Karen In Sydney, Australia

31 October, 2011

Doing it for the Boobies!

Well Groover's I sure travelled some kilometres over the weekend, but geez I had me some fun! ☺

It all started on Friday afternoon with my great friend Deborah Morandin collecting me from work for our little “Thelma & Louise” adventure down at Surfers Paradise for The Girls Night In. We just had to find us our own Brad Pitt and you knowwwwwwwwwwww there was that little Man Auction to look forward to....

We checked into the Holiday Inn and how lucky were we to be given a room on the 22nd Level with the most amazing views, thanks to Michelle Massey! We also had a little surprise of a lovely bottle of champagne with strawberries! Definitely a great way to start the evening ☺

Now the event was called “Girls Night In” Pink Party and it was a Cancer Council Pink fundraiser and my wonderful, brave and courageous friend Deborah Morandin was going to be the official speaker for the night.

So after having our champagne and strawberries we got ourselves beautiful and made our way downstairs to the Main Ballroom, which looked so lovely with all the decorations.

We also were given some great Goody Bags (that we went through much later in the night back in our room like little giggly school girls! Okkkk well maybe that was just ME!) and then I made my away around to look at all the tables with lovely things to buy.

All the money went to charity and there were some amazing products to check out.

I picked up some skin products to trial from


from the lovely Melissa Tan,

Deb purchased a lovely bracelet from

Caroline C.

and the candles and melts were amazing at

lemon canary

And we bought some delicious little baby cupcakes from Jay Fawckner from

BayBee Cupcakes

that we polished off back in our room later that night!

We also checked out the stall for Chatterbox and there was a competition to “Like” them on Facebook as they had a laptop set up to log in and for every "Like" they donated $1 to the cause.

By the end of the night Chatterbox raised $80 alone on those likes and Groover’s let me let you in on a little secret: Chatterbox is such a unique product and soooo cheap! Just the thing to get for that person you just NEVER KNOW what to get.

It’s a box of conversational cards and only costs $20! Here is their website and I would highly recommend a box or two for friends!

Chatterbox Collections

So the night was a huge success and the girls Michelle & Leanne our wonderful MC's for the night did an amazing job!

And whilst it was a lot of fun I loved how they also got straight to the point about Breast Cancer and what we should all be doing, butttttt by Humour! Check this link out:


I loved it! hehehe

My wonderful friend Deborah Morandin from The Butterfly Experience also shared her amazing story with the crowd, as she herself is a survivor of cancer, many times OVER!

Here is her website:

The Butterfly Experience

And you can also find her on Facebook:

The Butterfly Experience Media & PR

But of course I think secretly we were all waiting for the Male Auction!

Let's just say it was interesting.... anddddd if I didn't have to pay my Mortgage it might have been a tad MORE interesting night LOL.

But Groover's the guys were such great sports about it! Seriously.... esp after a couple of the bidders put their men to work!

There was also one "Group Bid"

Geez that HOT BOY must of been exhausted by the end of the night! tee hee

Deb and I had lots and lots of fun!

And they even had a photo booth that we had a photo taken in!

And at the end of the night they announced the winners of the Silent Auctions along with the winner of the Chatterbox prize anddddddddddd drum roll please kids.....

My mate Deb won!!! It was very exciting and the gift was soooooo AMAZING!!! I know she was secretly chuffed as she kept singing to me for the rest of the night "I won me some Moet, I won me some Moet...."

A wonderful night was had by all and the next day was beautiful and fine and sooo nice to wake up 22 Floors high with such great views at The Holiday Inn in Surfers Paradise.

So kids if you are looking for somewhere close to all the action in Surfers Paradise,

The Holiday Inn at Surfers

is the place for YOU!

Michelle is also into Fashion and has her own label. And I have to share something with you Groover's: we bumped into her on Saturday afternoon and she had the most amazing dress on, I just wish I had thought to take a pic! But here is her website:

Glamour Party

So we checked out and then I hit the road for Coolum to visit my gorgeous friend Brenton and his dog Max! Of course I took Embee Louise along as well!

It was great to hang out in Coolum with them and again the weather was amazing!

Andddddd the wonderful weekend ended today with a special delivery all the way from America!!

So Xmas my friends has come early in the Morley House! Isn't Jake, Ashlee and Embee Louise LUCKY! hehehe.

Well that's it from me. Thanks to all the wonderful people who made my weekend so fun!!


Me xxx

28 October, 2011

Here’s one I prepared earlier.....

So today’s Morley Report was written a little earlier in the day due to attending a function down the Gold Coast later tonight and I didn’t want to scare too many of you little Groover’s with any sad drunken words... Thoughtful aren’t I ☺

The function I will be attending later tonight is called “Girls Night In – Pink Party” Cancer Council Pink Ribbon Fundraiser to raise money for Breast Cancer and we will be staying overnight at the Holiday Inn Surfers Paradise.

I would like to share with you some of the info that has been promoted for tonight’s festivities:

Entry fee includes cocktail on arrival,

Canapés and entertainment including MALE AUCTIONS (my personal fave...), competitions and discounted drink prices on the night!! Plus of course we’ll have lots and lots of fabulous prizes and a gift bag full goodies to take home for all you lovely ladies ☺

Should make for an interesting night and me being me wanted to be responsible and write to you now! Well I am just trying to be thoughtful. Some might say responsible, some may even say the word Chicken! In response I would just say this:

Cluck Cluck (that’s Chicken speak to you kids...)

I am going with my friend Deb and even being collected from work, so I can relax and just sit! Isn’t that nice…. Normally I drive myself everywhere (one of the things you miss when you don’t have a hot man partner... ONE I SAID hehehe) so it will be nice to be a passenger!

I’m also looking forward to a nice sleep in and relaxing morning down the coast. It has been a very long time since I have stayed in Surfers, because as we all know I am in fact that Old Foegie now… So those days have passed me by…. Ahhhh sigh ☹ OR HAVE THEY??? Hehehe.

So you kids behave and have a great Friday wherever you may be in the world and I shall fill in you in on the night, tomorrow night.

Of course that’s if I’m free, because let’s face it: I could be busy with my Male Auction Friend! LOL

Cheers :)

Me xxx

27 October, 2011

Morley Vault – Let us revisit "The Island" party boat!

Groover’s cast your mind back... were you one of those lucky souls that partied the afternoon/night away upon The Island on the Brisbane River?

Ahhhh the memories, those hazy drunken memories hehehe.

I myself have been on The Island a couple of times. I do have fond memories, well mostly...

And actual real life pic of me on The Island back in the 1990's

My first time was on a Sunday afternoon when I found myself along with my girlfriends walking the plank to board the Island. Now I wasn’t meant to drink much, but there was this other group of party people with a very cute guy. Need I say anymore.
And I had a very good time, so good that after we disembarked we headed to another well-known Brisbane pub called The Victory for an afternoon session. But here’s the thing...

I had to be home to collect Baby Jake from his Grandparents who had had access that weekend. But I was not quite, how shall we put it, 100% sober and I think my breath might have given me away a little bit!! So the girls dropped me around the corner at the shop (as you do) and went home to wait for Jae to be dropped off. And when they did turn up to they were told that “I was in the shower”... True Story! hehehe

Even Jake hasn't heard that one! And he thinks he has heard ALL MY STORIES!!

But geez I had fun! Those were the days my friends.

The next time I went on The Island I had high expectations, but this time I would be seriously disappointed! You see it kinda reminded me of a cruise, but with a cruise you are on the ship for a long time, many days. With The Island it was only a few hours, but Groover’s if the “Talent” shall we say was very sad and not very interesting it was a longggggggggggg timeeeeeeeeeee before we saw land again!

And do you know what one of my most favourite parts were of The Island? The somewhat dead Palm Trees that were strategically placed around the barge so that you felt like you were really on an Island! LOL

Took me a while to go back, but yes I did... One more time! ☺

And this Groover’s ended up being the only time in my life I have ever thrown up from drinking!!! I am telling you the truth.... I SWEAR!!

I had a whole lot of “free tickets” and so a big group of us went one Saturday night. I was having a really good night until a friend of mine starting flirting with a guy I liked. That was that…. And I decided to drown my sorrows, just a little though….. And I was really really good, until we got off! We decided to head up to the Brisbane Casino and another good friend of mine offered to buy me a drink and for some strange reason I CHANGED DRINKS! And ohhh noooo, not just any drink but a RED DRINK! - thanks Jeanette :)

Of course later that night or prob more early the next morning when I threw up from my bed onto the light coloured carpet, what colour was it? Yep you got it! RED!!!!!! Took me many months to get that stain out of my carpet!

But on a positive note: I did spend the next day with the guy I liked, up the coast at the beach and we did end up dating for a long time.

Ahhhhh the good old Island! It even managed to survive the Brisbane Floods earlier this year in January!

But for me, I somehow think my Island days are done!


Me xxx

26 October, 2011

Guess What?

I have something I need to tell you kids...

I’m old.

Yep you read it right! You see last night when I got home from work I was soooo excited about seeing the spa, butttttt when I felt it well it just wasn’t quite warm enough so I said to myself: self just wait a bit for the water to warm up!

But guess what happened? I got sooooooooo tired, so tired in fact I had to text my friend Brenton to say I was too tired for our phone call as I was going to bed. This was at 8.10pm and he was even going to go Toot Toot on his train for me.... so sad Groovers :(

And then later in the night when I got up to get a drink of water from the kitchen, whilst I couldn’t see them I could hear both Ashlee and Jake in the spa, having fun, laughing.... And here I am barely able to speak let alone get into my spa! So not fair..... poor Old Me!

Let's face it that very first day back at work can really do you in. I think I kept it all together when I was at work and then as soon as I stopped and sat down at home that was the end of me. I have two words for it:

Old Foegie! ☹

But today I felt a lot better, thank god!

I have to say it’s quite nice that you look forward to coming back to work, meaning that I don’t mind where I am working…. Gotta be happy with that! Every day when I come to work I get to see my friend Seamus and start his day with a Schmacko! (for Seamus not me!) I love to take pics of him too, check these out:

His paw reminds me of a giant Kangaroo LOL

He def makes me smile and makes my day. Good old Seamus Poo Poo ☺

On to other Morley news. So lately I have been stock piling a few books/novels to read for when I go on holidays. And it’s been really hard not to read them…. And I am afraid that I caved in last week and started to read this one:

Andddddddddddddddd I finished it over the weekend on our holiday over on Stradbroke Island! Now Groover’s I have long been a big fan of Rob Lowe from when he first appeared in the movie The Outsiders and have seen most of his movies.

I found this book, which Rob wrote himself, a fascinating read! I loved the title “Stories I tell my friends” and have to say I quite liked it for myself for the day when I write my very own Morley Report book. What a shame it's already been used. Oh well I shall just have to find me something just as catchy when my time comes!

It was an interesting insight into Rob Lowe’s life so far and not just his “Hollywood Life” but his own journey from a young boy, the people he has met along the way, to his loving marriage and becoming a father.

I would highly recommend this book but I found it really hard to purchase it in a bookstore here in Australia and ended up having to purchase it through Angus & Robertson online! Just a tip incase you would like to read it too!

And so tonight we end The Morley Report with a visit to my very first time in our brand spankin new Spa!

Kids it was pure heaven! I feel so very relaxed and it was quite funny to be in a spa in my own backyard. Just like being on a holiday but not! Cannot wait to use it during the day in the sun and tonight was a bit cloudy so no stars..... but there is always next time!

And here is something that I would to leave you with tonight:

I’m proud of my heart,
It’s been played,
burned and broken,
but somehow
still works

Take it easy Groover's and talk soon

Me xxx

25 October, 2011

Stradbroke Shenanigans

Well Groover’s first of all let me apologise! I did have all good intentions of writing my Morley Report whilst holidaying over on Straddie (Stradbroke Island) but alas I became sooooo relaxed and chilled out that this in fact did not happen. My bad!

We all had the most amazing time ☺

And we celebrated all the boys birthday with a cake!

Saturday was spent exploring Straddie, checking out the rock cliffs (which freaked me out a bit) now you are prob trying to work out why they freak me out? Remember a few blogs ago about when I was a kid falling of the rocks fishing and having to get 17 stiches in my left knee? This could by why...

But the scenery was amazing!!

And if you look closely at this pic you will see Embee being piggy backed by Jake, cause she's a kid too you know!!

Buttttttttttt I was brave and kept up with everyone. The weather was just perfect as was the water! And we even managed to see a pod of wild dolphins having a play.

So after our busy morning we headed down to Cylinder beach for a swim. Only thing was that Embee Louise wasn’t allowed onto this beach. So both Em and I chilled out on the towel under some trees... Niceeeeeeeeeee.

Then after the beach we went to the Point Lookout Pub for a drink and something for lunch. Now back in the day, a longgggggg time ago people would rave about the pub. But a few years back they demolished it and rebuilt a new resort along with the pub. Whilst it was lovely, I think a good old beer garden on the point has much more character and it was a little bit too new! If that makes any sense?

So after lunch we were all full and very tired so we headed back to the house. It was such a great set up, our house. You see there was a section up stairs with bunk beds, lounge chairs and its own flat screen TV! Def a kids retreat!

Poor little Embee Louise was mighty tired; she had a ball but its def hard for a girl to keep up with everything. There were soooo many adventures to be had ☺

We had a little nap and then before dinner Embee and I headed out just for a teeny eeny walk but decided nahhh lets walk to the beach! Now the beach was only at the back of our house and three houses down to the sandy path. Hence why we could hear the sounds of the ocean from the back deck and inside the house!

Well kids I have to say it was a mighty good decision. You see it was just Embee and me, nobody around at all. The sun was setting and I could see the first star of the night up in the sky ☺

It was soooo nice to just stand there watching the waves, smelling the fresh air and I guess one might say I was reconnecting with ME! And I really loved it. There is something just so wonderful about being alone on a beach, of course with the kid you love (Embee) and just taking it all in. Nature is a wonderful thing.

And speaking of nature the other thing I really loved was that during the day when you were sitting on the back deck, you could look out and there would be lots and lots of “Santa Claus” blossoms blowing across the yard in the breeze.

Now I am not sure what you might call them in other parts of the world, but when I was little if you caught one you could make a wish ☺

We had a BBQ on the Sat night and sat around and chatted about all things meaningful, as you do ☺ And then it was time to hit the bed…. Ahhhhh so tired!

Sunday we had a great breakfast of bacon and egg burgers on that back deck that I loved so much! And after breakfast we went down to the beach for the kids to play in the surf, along with Baby Jake and his Big O! Embee played a little but was happy to sit with her mum on the beach towel in the sun whilst watching all the fun. It’s tough when you are five you know!!

Then before we knew it, it was time for the “Holiday Family” to make their way back down to the jetty to catch the barge back to the mainland.

You know it was the best of both worlds! Meaning that Jake, Embee and I had a night either side of our Holiday Family, so we got the peace and quiet and we also had the fun and laughter anddddddddd noise of a family. I loved it as I know both Jake and Embee did as well. Although Embee Louise I think needs a bit more stamina to make it through the day’s hehehe.

So when they all left we went out and got some mighty delicious lunch and then it was back home and back to the beach for some more fun! Jake took his Big O out into the waves and whilst it was a bit scary due to so many sharks being over there alonggggggggggg with blue bottles, he did survive and I only had 5 grey hairs sprout out on my head with the stress.

At one stage it was like Embee and I were Pamela Anderson from Baywatch, you know being on patrol and looking out to sea. ☺ Ohhh I can see it nowwwwwwwwwwwww hehehe.

We had a quiet night in on the Sunday night and then yesterday it was our turn to depart and head home. But you know what, whilst I had a great time, geez it was nice to come home.

Why I hear you ask? Welllllllllll do you know what today is?


Yep you read it correctly! Jake this morning took possession of our very own Spa and spent today filling it up and sorting out all the chemicals and thennnnnn trying it all out. Like a Test Dummy, but maybe just say Dummy...

And I came home tonight to find this!

I was soooo excited to leave work and dreamt all day of relaxing and seeing the stars whilst sitting in our spa.

So this kids is where I am going to leave it tonight.

Tomorrow will be Spa Wednesday. Eventually orrrrrrrrr even could be now, you guys will be like: Okkkkkkkkkkkkk Morley, enough Spa talk. And I promise I won’t be all about spa’s but Groover’s humour me for one last day ok and then I promise not to mention it too much!

What can I say, my hole is soooooo excited and happy to see all these things finally come together!

And on that note, time to hit the Spa! ☺


Me xxx
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