Now I hear you say, Karen my friend, how come? What’s the goss? Well Groover’s you see it’s all to do with a certain Michael Buble Hollywood competition being held by Warner Music Australia and one of the eight challenges is to share the Michael Bublé Crazy Love Australian tour app, which you can download on either your Iphone or Ipad (for you hip Groover's).
But I thought to make it interesting I would share all eight of the challenges with you, my friends…. ☺
So here we go, buckle yourself in:
1. Take a picture of yourself posing next to the Michael Bublé Crazy Love 'Hollywood Edition' album.

Story to this above pic! Soooo I had bought the Crazy Love Hollywood edition via ITunes, so to have a picture I went out to purchase the actual CD. The girl in the music shop was very helpful. I had remembered seeing some posters displayed in the shop a couple of week earlier. Of course asked about these posters to find out that they had only a couple of hours earlier been put into the dumpster outside. So with my “new friend's” help, we retrieved them, esp for this picture!!
Of course there is no physical evidence to prove that I had to actually jump into the Wastepaper Bin to get them!!! ☺
2. How well do you know Michael? Submit 5 creative Michael Bublé trivia questions.
1. When Michael Buble played at the Las Vegas Hilton over the Valentines Day weekend in 2006, which other famous singer was he filling in for?
a) Rod Stewart
b) Barry Manilow
c) Elvis Presley
d) Pussy Cat Dolls
2. Which Song didn't Michael Buble write:
a) Home
b) Feeling Good
c) Everything
d) Haven't Met You Yet
3. Michael's Music has appeared in quite a few movies. Which Movie hasn't included a Michael Buble song.
a) When Harry Met Sally
b) Two Weeks Notice
c) The Wedding Date
d) The Proposal
4. In October 2005 Michael Buble had to cancel a concert that was to be on the Sydney Opera House steps. This reason for this was:
a) Illness
b) Floods
c) Cyclone
d) High Winds
5. Michael Buble's father Lewis is a fisherman. What type of fish does he catch?
a) Trout
b) Tuna
c) Salmon
d) Gold Fish
1. b) Barry Manilow
2. b) Feeling Good
3. a) When Harry Met Sally
4. d) High Winds
5. c) Salmon
3. What is your most memorable Michael Bublé moment? Was it when you met him for the first time? Heard him for the first time? Sang to him for the first time? We want to hear about it.
Some of you may already know this story. And I did hesitate in sharing it, as it’s a very personal private story, but here goes:
Back in 2005 in Brisbane I had just been to my second ever Buble Concert and we ended up meeting Michael afterwards in a Bar. He spent some time talking to us and one of my friends told him that I was attending the concert again the very next night. I was a little embarrassed that he knew this but he made me feel that it was ok….
Now he opened his concert with Feeling Good, starting with being a silhouette etc. After the song he talked a bit and said hello to the audience and said that whilst he was behind the curtain instead of looking all sexy he would rather be doing: and then he did a dog finger shadow puppet and one where his microphone dropped down (it looked like something rude!! Lol). So now remember I am talking to him and I say you know when you do the finger puppet things after Feeling Good, wellllll you should do the Rabbit! So I showed him this finger puppet rabbit that I used to do over the years, esp for some reason if I had had a couple of drinks!!!
Sooooo the very next night, I am sitting with another friend at his concert and low and behold he does my Rabbit!! Now everyone laughed and of course the show moved on….. but OMG I was still all about OMG HE DID MY RABBITTTTTTTTTT hehehe.
And you know what? The fact that he even remembered a whole 24 hours later, knowing that I would be in the audience and get a kick out of it anddddddd knowing that ONLY I would know the reference, to me showed me what a wonderful, thoughtful person he was and still is! The End.
4. Share the Michael Bublé Crazy Love Australian tour app – share the app link on your Facebook or twitter, send a group email to all your contacts, write it on your car – go Crazy with spreading the word – you must send through your photo evidence.
Here is where you guys come in! Here is the link to this blog to provide evidence of promoting it to the best Groover’s a girl could have! ☺
For those technical kids here is what they call a QR code (not Queensland Rail hehehe - Australian Joke). Which directs you to the download of the app. To use this you need to have an application on your camera phone that allows you to scan QR codes. Baby Jake tells me this is the way of the future.....
Here it is:
5. Compile your collection – create your dream Michael Bublé mix tape. Your track list must contain 10 songs.
Michael Buble Mix with 10 songs
1. Best of Me
2. Smile
3. Lost
4. Home
5. Feeling Good
6. Wonderful Tonight
7. Hold on
8. End of May
9. You and I
10. You don’t know me
6. Use the Michael & Me app tool to compose the most creative and imaginative photo – upload your photo to the ‘Right Now’ section of the app.
Ok, so if you take a very close look you can see that Michael aka Justin Bieber (from his Hollywood Single Video clip) is sitting perched on my little tasting platter, hence my thumbs up motion! hehehe
7. If you could ask Michael Bublé one thing, what would it be? Email us at the question you are desperate to ask Michael, the more inspired, the better!
Question: So Michael you walk into a recording studio. In booth Number 1. is Elvis Presley, in booth Number 2. is Michael Jackson, in booth Number 3. is Frank Sinatra and in the very last booth Number 4. is George Michael.
Which booth would you walk into and why?
8. Name 4 Hollywood landmarks you’d want to visit if you win the trip to Hollywood.
1. The Hollywood Walk of Fame
2. The Hollywood Bowl
3. Have a drink at The Roosevelt Hotel, home to the stars.
4. Def have to visit the Hollywood Sign
Well we have come to the end of the Special Edition Mid Week Morley Report.
Thanks for reading, thanks to supporting me and thanks for downloading the Michael Buble Crazy Love Australian Tour app.
Love you Groover’s
Me xxx
OMG that is the best thing I have ever seen :) You have put so much effort into this love it :) I hope you win a million times over you really deserve it :)
Good luck Miss K. You deserve to win! Besides once they ask him about that Rabbit you are in like Flynn babe :-) Luv Tan x
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