I think it was Karma speaking when yours truly had to leave work on Monday to make the very long trek home with Man Flu taking over.....
It's funny how when you are at work some days you think to yourself, wow how amazing would it be to stay home and do nothing instead of being here at work.
Well let me tell you Groover's it ain't all it's cracked up to be. To be honest the week has flown pass, so maybe I have the flu to thank for that. But the biggest part of the flu was that I kinda lost my voice. I do believe that Baby Jake or should it be Jake? (a friend said to me maybe it was time I dropped the Baby from Baby Jake!) before I move on maybe we should address this little subject and put it to what I like to call a Groover's Vote!
Should Jake, who turns 21 this year in October! I know can you believe it.... be called Baby Jake still orrrrrrrrrrr should we go for the more grown up, sophisticated Jake. I leave it up to you, to guide me on this one....
Anyways back to the story: I think my son.... def enjoyed the fact that I couldn't really talk much this week. It was funny to be silent, you know like being a Monk hahaha. And when I could start to talk I was softly spoken!! I knowwwwwww I can hear you all gasp from here! It was funny to be this softly spoken and even not trying to talk too much, when I could or had to as it hurt.
I have come to the conclusion that even though I might be a loud talker, and that I like to talk all the time andddddddd that I always seem to have something to say, I quite like it! I quite like the talkative me.
I can remember on my Grade 2 report card it said: Karen likes to talk hahaha. And my friends this has never changed.... unless of course I am suffering from good old Man Flu!
So I spent the week on the lounge with Embee Louise and didn't have that much to say, even on Facebook.
I had to cancel some lunch dates, even the HOT ONES... :( and cancelled on drinks on Friday night for Al's birthday!!
But come Saturday I was up and kinda rearing to get back out there into the big world.
Some of my good friends, who are also cousins, Maureen and Bern were embarking on a 7 night cruise out of Brisbane and I had promised months ago to see them off.
I have never been to wave someone off before and I was a bit excited.
Whilst it was raining, there was this great viewing platform and it def got me excited for my two cruises that I myself am taking later this year! What can I say I am addicted to The Love Boat Theme. Disco version of courseeeeee ;)
So I spoke to them and waved, as you do. No streamers though and have to say this bit was a bit disappointing! Not sure why that doesn't happen anymore...
I also caught up at Portside where the ship left from with with my good friend Uma. I haven't seen Uma for ages and we had alot of girlie goss to catch up on.
Was lovely to see her and chat. My poor little throat was being given a good work out but I did survive, so all was fine in the world!
Now as we speak Jake is on Big Brother Duties for the week and has gone to visit his little brother in Kingaroy for the week. I wonder if he will have to change a dirty nappy! Geez I sure hope so hehehe. Nowwwww THAT would make my week LOL.
And today my friends, my Groover's is also a very special day. You see it's Embee Louise Morley's 5th Birthday! I cannot believe that it has been five whole years since she came into the world.
I remember the breeder sending me some pics of the litter. We called these the Guinea Pig shots as she just looked like a baby Guinea Pig. And as we received progress pictures in the coming weeks I put out the mayday email to my friends as to what should I call her.

My good friend Jillian who lives in Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast suggested Embee, after all of my Michael Buble adventures. Now this was back of course in 2006 and little did we know of the adventures that were ahead of me hehehe.
So today Embee and I have just hung out, did some of her fave's - hung out in the backyard, did a patrol to make sure things were ok in the backyard, checked out the pool area, did a wee on the grass (that was Embee not ME! just incase you were wondering....) although I was tempted hahaha.
And then as I cooked some brunch for me, Em had her own little plate of Heaven!
They say that animals pick us. And I honestly believe that you cannot tell me that they are not people reincarnated! Because at times they are sooo human like.
This reminds me of a very emotional clip I saw this week from the Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan. Did you see it Groover's? It was filmed by a Japanese film crew. Instead of me relaying the story, click on Ultimate Loyalty
That night after seeing the clip I said a little prayer for them. So many people, animals have been and will continue to be affected by the disasters unfolding in Japan. At times you have to think to yourself: what is happening to our world, but I guess human nature is a powerful thing and we continue to survive as best as we can when we are faced with such hardships in life.
Another friend posted another link later in the week to say that both dogs had been rescued and taken to a shelter. I cannot begin to tell you how happy this made me. Sometimes it's the small things in life that we need to hang onto. To grasp with both hands and not let go.
So Miss Embee Louise, thank you for picking my little family to come into. It was hard to decide to get another dog after losing our beloved Dannii (yes as in Minogue and even spelt the same way!) I waited 6 years and hindsight prob a bit too long but I just couldn't bring myself to replace Dannii. Until I realised that I wasn't replacing her I was just bringing ANOTHER member into my little family!
You have brought me such joy, laughter and love along with eaten jocks and socks andddd we won't mention that bad habit, BADDDDDDD HABIT of humping only Jake and the guest Bedroom's pillow! Or the fact that you are a very ROUGH lover! hahaha. Not sure where you picked that up from....
Well that was the week that was, in my house anyways......
Until next week, let me leave you with this little tiny teaser..... I have BIG BIG NEWS to share but my lips are sealed, well kinda.... until next weeks Morley Report!
And nooooo I am def not Pregnant with TWINS to Buble! At least that's what the scan said hehehehe.
Me xxx
Do you remember that I told you the other week of my friend Steve, who I met on my cruise when I turned 20. And how he and his daughter were on Australia's Funniest Home Video? I've had quite a few people ask me about it and so Groover's here it is
Working Class Girl
Hey sweetie, well another Morley report done and dusted. You have certainly kept up the NY resolution; well done! How many weeks do they say you need to do something to form a habit?
Happy birthday little miss MB. Muggins send you a great big puppy paws hug and lots of sloppy kisses.
Re the Baby Jake issue; well he's always gonna be your "baby" though perhaps he is the one who should make the decision about what he prefers to be called :-)
Glad to hear you are better and back to your normal bright and bubbly self and have ditched the man flu. Perhaps next time you might like to leave the flu out of it and just catch yourself a [good] man instead. Just a thought :-)
Congrats on the new job babe; you deserve it. We spend so much time at work and we should enjoy what we do.
Have a wonderful week. Lotsa love, Tan xxoo
Hey Tan,
Thanks for the comment! :)
I have to say am enjoying writing the blog and rambling on about my life!
Embee loved the kiss from Muggins too. She just wants to know when they might have that hot and heavy play date?
And I like the way you think I will ask Jake what he prefers.... god knows what he will say hehehe.
Next time I will def just catch the Man minus the Flu..... that's my plan Stan! :) xxx
Hi honey, I never thought to look for a response to my comment and came across it accidentally tonight.
Embee, Embee, Embee play hard to get darlin', you don't want Muggins thinking it was all be so easy LOL :-)
Cya chicken, Tan x
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