29 January, 2012

Well I think "Slack" has become my middle name....

You know what the problem is? I have just become tooo relaxed lately and start off with all good intentions of writing a nightly Morley Report and then somehow chill out too much and before I know it, it's "The Blanket Show Time" as my Grandad used to call it! :)

(that means going to bed and sleeping.... hehehe)

So it's been a busy week with a lovely public holiday last Thursday for Australia Day. Why can't all weeks be like that I ask you!

It's a great thing, to be an Australian. And Australian's come in all shapes, colours, religions they can be straight, gay, some might be city dwellers, some live in the suburbs (like me) and someeeeeee live out woop woop (as we like to call it, which means far far away....) like our Baby Jake.

But the one thing that we do have in common is our humour, our compassion for our fellow man in times of need and did I mention our sad humour? hehehe.

We are quite laid back about things at times which I believe endears us to the rest of the world and we just don't take ourselves very seriously at all and like to "take the piss" (tease) each other. My saying is that putting shit on someone is a form of affection, cause if I didn't like you I wouldn't bother paying out on YOU!

And for Australia Day this year I went out to breakfast with some wonderful women that I used to work with some years back. They are a great bunch of girls and we always have a good laugh :)

Now talking of laughs.... Let me share a pic of one of the girls breakfast "The Big Breakfast".

And boy was it BIG! Alas :( it wasn't mine.

Interesting pic of a sausage dontcha think!!!

Soooooo moving right along.... I had a lovely Australia Day, it was very hot and humid and for the day it actually stopped raining for a little while. This is quite a big thing at the moment as we have had quite a lot of rain. Some people are starting to go a bit troppo (mad) being kept indoors. Me, well I kinda like it!

Also my Dove Babies are growing so big & strong every day. Here is a little pic I snuck in whilst Mum/Dad was out and about!

And then on Friday my good friend at work Bob, retired after 52 years with my company!! Isn't that amazing... I can only imagine the feelings that he must of had that day. We had a scrumptious BBQ breakfast cooked by Andrew and then later in the day we all went out for coffee and cake.

I love Bob A LOT! We have always had some really great chats and I am going to miss seeing him every day!

And of course after that my afternoon consisted of a massage, facial & pedicure cause isn't that the way to top off a wonderful week? :)

So I have holiday feet right now and can you even truly believe it butttttttt I have no holiday to go on! OMG what has this world come to.... but do not fret for me Groover's, as I know you want to... This little Morley always has something up her sleeve :)

And then on Saturday it was Funny Nana's turn. You see at nearly 70 years of age she has never had a pedicure. I knowwwwwwww. She was a Virgin! But of course I fixed that hand had her feet "deflowered". She loved it!

Last night I also caught up with my friends Lisa and Lindsay!

And nooooo I wasn't dressed in feathers. I had such a great time that I completely forgot to take a pic! This pic was from last year when Lisa had her birthday party and Lindsay surprised her be proposing and right there and then they had a commitment ceremony!

I always love catching up with them as we have some great laughs and interesting chats on stuff in general!

Today I was due to go to a friends Baby Shower but woke up to read that there was flooding in two parts on our road and as the shower was on the other side of town I didn't want to risk it. More the not getting back rather than getting there. Funny how this is how we have to think right now with all the rain that South East Queensland has been experiencing.

So today was spent at home relaxing, nana napping (cause all the cool kids are doing it) and tonight I watched a lovely little movie with Renee Zellweger called Miss Potter, which was all about the children's author Beatrix Potter. I quite loved it and was surprised by how much I loved it and yesss I even cried cause I am a sook like that!

So that my Groover's brings us up to date.

I've got something special to share with you all tomorrow night, so tune in for that one ok!


Slacker Morley xxx


aus.keeys said...

Its a lovely movie ....just trying to catch up on your MR since I've been away, while watching the tennis :)

Anonymous said...

I will miss Bob too :-( So you had fun at his final send off? :)


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