23 February, 2012

Morley's excursion to The Mountain...

So today Groover's I went on a little "Work Excursion" up to Mt Coot-tha which if you live in Brisbane, is where all the Television Stations have their studios and antenna's!

Look how knowledgeable I am hehehe.

Here is a pic of Mt Coot-tha:

The poor boys in my car on the way up! They were the "chosen few" who got to listen to alllll The Morley stories, as we travelled through various places we have lived over the years, the primary school that Baby Jake attended etc. I am sure they had wished that they had picked a different vehicle to get a lift in hehehe. Poor kids!

And you know it wasn't until I started to tell the stories that more came to me, some that I hadn't thought of in a very long time.

Let me condense them as best as I can for you:

1. As I grew up with my Grandparents we didn't go out at night time and THE BIG THING was going for a drive on a Saturday afternoon with my Grandad, and we did quite a few drives up to Mt Coot-tha. I remember going up there after the 1977 floods in Brisbane and seeing the raging creeks.

2. Grandad and I also used to drive up there to the creek beds and "steal" sand and shovel it into hessian bags for our Cat - Fluffy No. 2's kitty litter tray. I guess in those days you couldn't really buy it.. not sure really why we did that!

But it also had me sharing the story of when we first got little Embee Louise and our old cat Herman was around 17/18 years old. Quite simply - Embee lovedddddddddddddd eating CAT POO! I knowwwwwwww how is this girl ever going to get a husband with bad habits like THAT!!!

So in the end we had to put Herman's Kitty Litter tray in the bath tub (in the tray... remember) so that he could jump his old bones up and into the bath tub and then into the litter tray. Embee would stand on her hind legs and put her paws on the side of the bath and watch poor old Herman do his thing. I guess to her it was like watching a "smorgasbord of food" hehehe. Sorry for those of you eating right now..........

It looked at little like this, but imagine a kitty litter tray under the cat!

No. 3 Back in the early 1990's there was a story in the news of when this poor young girl had been taken up to Mt Coot-tha and raped and murdered I believe from memory... And a friend of mine at the time had to go and work at night up at one of the television stations, I think maybe on a function etc. Anyway after she left and was driving down the mountain she was busting to go to the toilet/bathroom BUTTTTTTTTT was too scared to pull over and do it in a bush because of that poor girls story. So do you know what she did? Yep she wet her pants and did in on the car seat!!!! hehehe

No. 4 I can also remember when I was really young my Father came up to Brisbane to visit me (as Funny Nana & Dad were divorced) and took me for a drive to Mt Coot-tha but the only problem was that he was trying to make it fun and was kidding to open his driver's door and jump out. Of course this had the other effect on me and FREAKED ME OUT! I don't think Funny Nana was a happy chappy when she found out... sorry Dad!!

So as you can see there is a little bit of Morley History in them mountains...

Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back to my Excursion to the Mountain!

So today I got to go back and revisit Mt Coot-tha and I haven't been there for quite some years.

When we arrived at the top one of the guys from my team was working up there today and we shall call him Mr K! :)

Mr K had the lucky job of giving me my very own personal tour whilst the other boys did a more technical tour and as I said to Mr K, let's call it the Girlie Tour, you know as in Madonna hehehe.

He was very patient and only LOL at one of my silly girlie questions... there were many don't worry! So thank you Mr K for being so kind to me!

Here are a few pics of my visit and since uploading this post yesterday I have had some feedback that I need to explain my pics in "Girlie Language" Soooo you ask for it YOU GET IT! Enjoy.....

This is the big Antenna that transmits the TV and Radio out to the people of Brisbane!

Now this one Groover's is especially interesting, even to me.... because in the case of a natural disaster when they tell us to have a radio and batteries, this is what helps us listen to the ABC Radio when all our power is out! It is a special generator that kicks in when there is a power failure! I sure know STUFF!! Thanks Mr K :)

Copper Pipes.... they do something with things.... hahaha

Some more transmitters with some pipes :)

Not sure what this really is, but when I saw it, it reminded me of a Rollacoaster tee hee.

Now this is their home brew set up for when they get thirsty LOL

Big Satellite Dishes that receive the radio waves and stuff.....

Beautiful Big Tree!

It was great to get out of the office and see something different...

Andddddddddddd Groover's speaking of something different tomorrow night there is BIG HUGE MORLEY NEWS..... so make sure you tune in!


Me xx


Anonymous said...

you need some girly picture descriptions like

"The tall thingy where the TV picture ecapes at the top on it's way to your TV"

"The big yellow box that makes electricity"
"The big grey boxes that mix all the radio waves into one pipe"
"the long silver thingies that hold stuff to the cieling"
"The black oil drums that mix the TV pictures into one pipe"
"the thingies looking for pictures on satellites"
"I cant think of a girly word for Tree"

The Morley Report said...

Thanks Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous! I quite like your suggestions.... I have gone back and added my Girlie Bits :)

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